Monday, November 25, 2019

Digital Technology in Early Childhood Education

5th November 2019
4 articles were presented for review:
  1. Digital Technology use by and with young children 
  2. Trends in Early Childhood Education Practice and Professional Learning with Digital Technologies
  3. Touch Screen Technology
  4. Technology Access for Low-Income Preschoolers: Bridging the Digital Divide

Our children are growing up as the digital generation who are connected to the world around them by digital technology. Screen, information and speed are the way they learn and communicate with the world. As such, it is important for early childhood educators to understand how to adapt the teaching methodologies and learning environment to the needs of the generation who have been exposed to constant stimulation from digital technologies.

There are a few ideas I get from the presentations: 
- Technology enables children to learn at their own pace according to their abilities and needs
- Technology is an effective way to connect with all learning styles (audio, visual, kinesthetic)

- With technology, there are no limitations. Technology can bring children to North Pole to check out on polar bear and igloo or Sahara desert to learn about Saharan flora and fauna and the lists go on. 

Co-constructor of knowledge
- Technology enables children to become independent learners. Children interact with teachers, peers and other part of the world to learn from them and expand their knowledge. 

Imagination and creativity 
With technology, children have more visual literacy than print literacy. One believes that reading develops imagination and creativity and these skills are being lost in technology era. Moreover. whenever people faced with a question, they "Google it" rather than brainstorming for an answer. Thus, stunted the imagination and creativity. 

Critical thinking
Psychology Today defines critical thinking as the "capacity to reflect, reason and draw conclusions based on our experiences, knowledge and insights." Real-time visual media do not allow for reflection, analysis and evaluation. Moreover, the "search and find" process eliminated the need for critical thinking.  

On contrary, digital technology do have positive impact on imagination and critical thinking skills. Look at the new apps and popular online games, I think this was done with great imagination. Further, children create their own video and coding for mobile applications too. I believe during the process, critical thinking do play an important role because they analyse, reflect and solve on-going problem in developing new technology.   

1. Our children are exposed to virtual learning and game-based learning. Hard copy books are replaced by digital technology. 
2. Teachers training need to include digital literacy. Emphasize on developing educators' competencies in digital pedagogies. 
3. Digital toy decreasing the quality and quantity of language 
4. Children are exposed to inappropriate and unwanted content 

21st Century children were shaped by technology. Learning through technology has became part of their lifestyle. However, by just providing the infrastructure to digital technology without properly train the teachers in diverse teaching approach, the investment may go to waste. In addition, any digital technology used by children have to be facilitated by an adult to make it meaningful and efficient.  

Dr Kim also shared that the next generation is VUCA generation:
V - volatile
U - uncertain
C - complicated
A - ambiguous
Educators'need to think of what kind of activities we can provide to the children in this era. 

The children do not live in the environment we used to lived in. And in future, they do not live in the environment they are living right now either. There is so much to learn on how to stay relevant in the fast paced digital world! 

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