Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Humanistic Perspective in Early Childhood Education

A Visit to Tzu Chi Kindergarten in Penang

Tzu Chi and Me
I have heard about good deeds of Tzu Chi many years ago through their charity events and recycle activities. The are well known for helping the poor and the needy. The first time I stepped into Tzu Chi Kindergarten (Bayan Lepas Branch) was to inquire about the enrolment of my child. I was turned away because the list has been filled up. I was told that to secure a place in Tzu Chi Kindergarten, I should fill up the name during pregnancy and there is a priority for their volunteers. Oh... well.... I felt the monthly fees and miscellaneous fees are relatively high for me. I decided to home-school my child at the end. 

Years later, I was still very impressed by Tzu Chi charity work to the community. So, I decided to enrol my child into their Humanity School in SJKC Chong Cheng so that we can learn and giving back to the society. I paid a relatively high miscellaneous fees for this. Unfortunately, we did not "survive" till the end. 

The fees made me think that Tzu Chi education is for rich people... 

I am glad that Dr Kim has arranged this visit for us to further understand the humanistic philosophy of Tzu Chi. To me, it is also a chance to change my perception on Tzu Chi education.

The Visit
It was a drizzling day. I was late and rushed. I missed the chance to admire the large green lawn and the beautiful building at the front because I entered directly through the basement carpark. I only managed to pay respect to the Buddha from the bottom of my heart. The teachers and the volunteers are very helpful and kind. From the arrangement of the photo session to tea break followed by the presentations and sharing, we can feel that they have put in effort in every little thing and do it diligently (用心). Everything is very well organised and the snacks and souvenirs were a surprise. 

Daily Routine

Daily Outdoor Activities (40 mins) 
- Physical exercise and recycling activity
- connectivity with nature

Thematic/Subject Teaching (120 mins) 
5-6 themes according to Jing Si Aphorism and English and Bahasa Malaysia subjects

Corner Exploration (60 mins) 
- development of Multiple Intelligence
- DIY, role play, cooking, blocks, craft and reading corners.
- Teachers will discuss with the children what will they do in the Corner Exploration classroom.
- Children have the freedom to choose on what to do and record down their exploration after the session. 

Corner Exploration Classroom
Humanistic lesson (40 mins)
- needle and thread
- tea serving
- flower arrangement

From the teachers' presentation, I believe all the aspects in KSPK are well taken care. This is certainly a holistic education. 

Triangular Relationship: Student, Teacher, Parent
I was totally agreed to the importance to work together with parents in children education to maximise the learning outcome. Tzu Chi encourage regular parent-child bonding in various activities such as Graduation ceremony, Sports day, Ex-graduate parent-child alumni, parent child reading record etc. 

What about parents who are suffering from financial hardship and every hour counts to earn a living? They need to make a choice.

According to Tzu Chi, the enrolment of children is at first come first serve basis and only families who register during the Open Day and stay back for the sharing session will be selected. 

We was informed that 20% of Tzu Chi's students were subsidized and the school intended to increase to 100%  and target the Bottom 40% (B40) community. This is a really good intention to promote equality in education for all. However, the school is located at the neighbourhood where the majority are from the medium 40%  (M40) and Top 20% (T20). To reach out to B40, more effort need to be done. The B40 is not aware of the open day, the subsidize and may feel inferior in front of this gorgeous building. 

Experiential Learning
There are three special activities for experiential learning: 

i) "Pregnancy" experience carried out by the 6 years old students. For example:
1st month pregnancy : the children have to take care of the "baby" like the drops of water hold in a banana leaf
2nd month pregnancy: the children have to take care of the "baby" like the biscuits in a bag
5th month pregnancy: the children have to carry a balloon in their stomach for daily activities to experience the inconvenience and difficulties
The list goes on until giving birth, take care of a crying baby, changing diapers etc

As filial piety is an important aspects in humanistic education, the above activity will teach the children to love and respect their parents. Besides, birthday was treated as "Mother 's Suffering Day". Children learnt to serve tea and washing mothers' feet to show gratitude and respect to their mother. This looks like a very eastern (Chinese) approach. Children who were brought up at the other end of the world (Western) at a very different way may found this awkward and unacceptable. 

ii) Vegetarian Passport Activity (one month free vegetarian lunches and dinners)
- children fly in a space ship to vegetarian planet where all the animals are happy

iii) Plantation area - the children plant, take care, cook and eat the vegetables

Health Screening
Tzu Chi has partnered with pediatricians, doctors, dentists and therapists in the Health Screening session for newly enrolled children. The early detection of health related problem will be treated. Currently, Tzu Chi accept special needs children with condition. They also have a special team trained (and still developing and expanding) for the special needs children. So, Tzu Chi is aiming at inclusive education too.

Sustainable Development Goal 4:
'To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". 

Tzu Chi has a very good ECE philosophy. Although it has yet to be termed as successful inclusive education,  they are on the right path in this matter.

However, on the part of "equitable right" to education, 

  • If B40 is the target group, teachers' readiness is an important issue. 
  • Besides, how to reach out to the B40 children in need? 
  • Will there be an adjustment in the level of parental commitment?
  • The diversity and differences in children's background will definitely challenge the present pedagogy and practices. 
Finally, thank you for the warmth hospitality!!

Presentation by Jordan Chan Wei Ern, 11 years old:
"Earthworm Hotel"
Tzu Chi Teachers in white shirts; Tzu Chi volunteers in brown vest

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